96-12 Stormcast Eternals: Paladins /Retributors / Protectors /Decimators


This multi-part plastic kit gives you everything needed to build five Paladins, who can be built as Retributors, Protectors or Decimators. Armed with ominous Thunderaxes, one model can be built as a Decimator-Prime. Another model can be optionally upgraded with a Starsoul Mace, and the box contains a huge amount of variety and options – eighteen heads, twenty shoulder pads, nine tilting shoulder plates – with interesting posability making your collection unique.

Available on backorder

SKU: 5011921061198 Category:


The enemy is innumerable, their massed hordes fill the world from horizon to horizon. Such a sight might destroy the resolve of most warriors, but the Decimators are not like most warriors. Wielding their mighty Thunderaxes, they wade into the fray with fearless intent, casting down countless foes with each grim swing. Soon, the bodies of their foes will outnumber the ones left alive, and still the Decimators will fight on.

Moving with incredible speed and purpose, a front line of Protectors is a marvelous sight that strikes fear into the heart of the followers of Chaos. Able to weave their Stormstrike Glaives in intricate patterns that create strange shields of celestial energy, the Protectors cast the incoming projectiles aside in a display of their inexorable advance. Once they draw close to the enemy, the Protectors use their dextrous abilities to carve, slice and annihilate!

The shimmering, golden wrath of the heavens made flesh, the Retributors live up to their name, dealing merciless justice to the sworn enemies of order in blinding flashes of celestial anger. Their weapons are forged from the purest ensorcelled sigmarite – the Retributors call upon the power of the storm to unleash shocking bursts of sky magic that turn their foes to clouds of ash in an instant.

You're viewing: 96-12 Stormcast Eternals: Paladins /Retributors / Protectors /Decimators $58.00
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